CASL is committed to excellence in education by ensuring that students are active readers and effective users of ideas and information to become lifelong learners. The Association provides leadership, professional development, publicity, networking and support to the Connecticut school library community. CASL supports licensed, highly qualified library media specialists and fully-funded library programs in all K-12 schools. CASL promotes collaboration between classroom teachers, library media specialists, administrators, and curriculum specialists for the benefit of student achievement especially in information literacy and technology literacy. CASL serves as a cooperative agency bringing together the profession, the State Department of Education, regional associations, national associations, and the general public.
Actively pursue full participation by the entire school library community.
Establish communication with school library preparatory programs.
Sponsor workshops that encourage collaboration with other disciplines.
Encourage participation in CASL programming.
Publicize the benefits of being a CASL member.
Engage and encourage the school library community to become members and maintain their membership.
Recruit diverse members.
Make effective and timely communications about issues related to our profession.
Publicize events related to the profession.
Communicate to members about association activities and issues related to our profession and elicit feedback to understand their needs.
Promote the roles of school library media specialists.
Collaborate with stakeholders who affect the quality of library media programs, ie. ALA, AASL, CT State Department of Education, CT State Library, RESCs, CLC and other professional education associations.
Design and schedule professional development.
Schedule relevant programming based on the needs and interests of members in a variety of formats in alternative and unique locations.
Support implementation of National Library Standards.
Continue to work collaboratively with the professional development staff with the RESCs, CLC and consultants in the State Dept of Ed
Develop programs that promote collaboration, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Encourage members to share their knowledge and passion.
Provide visionary and responsive leadership committed to maintaining a flexible, effective, and inclusive organization.
Participate in AASL programs such as Chapter Assembly and Affinity Groups to proactively address issues and anticipate trends in our profession.
Provide the Board with the most current information, best practices, research and theory in our profession.
Lead the Board in addressing the major issues in our profession.
Seek feedback from Board members.
Assess the flexibility and effectiveness of CASL on a regular basis and respond appropriately.
Assess the strategic plan on a regular basis and respond appropriately
Develop a yearly budget.