The following are recipients of this year's CASL awards:
Administrator's Award
Outstanding support of
school library programs
Not Awarded
"Bunny" Yesner School Library Media
Program of the Year
Carlton Erikson Award
Auspicious beginning in media services
Jacquelyn Whiting
Library Media Specialist
New Canaan High School
Jillian Woychowski
West Haven High School
Carolyn Biega O'Neill Memorial Scholarship
Jennifer Lutris
SCSU School Library Media Program
Follett Creativity Award
Jeanne Moore
Stepney Elementary School
"Magic School Bus Gathers Steam"
Hilda and John Jay Award
Significant contribution to the library
media field on the local, state and
national level
Pellerin Classroom Teacher Award
Establishing an instructional partnership
with a Library Media Specialist
Tina Bernard
Gifted and Talented Teacher, Social Studies
Instructional Facilitator
Nathan Hale-Ray Middle School
Moodus, CT
Rheta A. Clark Award
Outstanding service as a Library Media
Jeri Van Leer
Department Supervisor Library Media
West Hartford, CT
Irene Kwidzinski Service Award
Outstanding service to the Connecticut
Association of School Librarians
Joleen Pillar
The Gilbert School
Winsted, CT
4 Wotton Lane • Burlington, CT • 06013•